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Well the 23.24 season is under away, already some results have been what some may consider upsets.

The website has been updated with all relevant information available so far and will be updated and added to as we continue through out our season.

Good luck to all clubs in pennants for the 23.24 season and also to the players who will be playing in events of higher levels whether by their own admission or honour bestowed upon them.

A new event is taking centre stage this year with Mathew Short’s team successful in getting the Club Super Challenge in a non-metro area for the first time since its conception. This event is aimed at increasing participation in our much loved sport, by making a night of bowls in a fun and entertaining way more attractive to those that have not be bitten by the bug of our wonderful game as of yet.

This is a stepping stone from a night owls game to full pennants for many or even those that have never played but always wondered what the fuss of the game was about. So if ever there was a reason to get on down to a local club in the Barossa area now is the time with nearly all clubs having a team. The introduction of a Flexi player to be in the team, which requires them to be a non-current bowler all clubs would be welcoming with open arms anyone interested.